Saturday, March 26, 2011

memories of eden

Memories of Eden
flashbacks of death
forests in fire for all to breathe easy
when earth was a great vagina
& the heart a fertile womb
until the double-edged sword of time intertwined
in sickness & in wealth
in wonder & boredom
broke free the serpent of thought
coiled like a ring of smoke up from the mountains
chain-smoke the aurora
evergreens like bookends
the moon a grand nipple
now war ravages the landscape
now famine rapes the eyes
& martyred blood is a sacred wine
I fucked the goddess of confused Egypt
I fucked Mother Gaia once and knocked her up with twins
I fucked you & you knew it was me
the cherub with his flaming sword had to look the other way
you were a goddess & I was just a human slave
our child the blind bastard creator
stumbling around in the fourth dimension trapped like a polaroid
memories of Eden
in perpetual genesis
in a tight black skirt
in an undeveloped negative
like a pebble in your shoes
wet sand between the toes forever
I never tried to write a gospel
I never dreamed I’d fuck an angel
but Isis on a stick like cotton candy
like circus love like tomorrow
the breasts that rise and fall in the exhaust of the ages
between the firmament and the soil
the chasm the void the dark days between
only thing between love the magnet
& the crude metal of this tomb this man
collapsed on the altar
knowing himself naked
drunk on the dregs of the blood of Christ
hallucinating memories of Eden
sketched for eternity in young symbols
read the writing on the cave walls
just east of a lost garden
never where it used to be
forever where it seems

once a eunech

once a eunuch in the cold steel locker rooms of the goddess
I stole the cock of God to my waist and penetrated the Mystery like a night’s thief
through the Elysian fields blindfolded except for my drugs
I popped every poppy I could stick my tongue to
and the preacher’s daughter is my prostitute now
and her mom my own French maid
I walk my dog through the halls of her hostel
and rap on sleeping doors calling for a revolution in breakfast foods
you’ll never sniff a rosebush so sweet
as the one dangling from the beeline between me and my fuzzy navel
you’ll never drink apple juice so tart
as such that dribbles down my chin in a goatee of early morning mountain dew
the four horsemen who ride up over the rise
have come to call upon my erection making way for archangels
to take up saddles unto the doomsday parade
which suffers the streets boldly in the wake of apple blossom petals at your toes painted pink gleaming in the sun

while sparrows take up nest in the bonnet of your perm
for every day is a song if you can’t dance you’ll just have to sit on the sidelines
of high school gym and wait for somebody to show you how but for now
the birdfeeder is open for business
and Osiris will be home soon
I’ll make apple cider of your panty line and milk beeswax out of your areola moons
soon to be suction cups for the masterpiece forever at odds with its palette
fuck you, Jane Austen
fuck you, B.F. Skinner
            and the three-legged serpent you strode in on
                        so boyishly tame
                        in rapt Christianity like a candy bar
fuck Jeb Bush, too
            and make sure there’s one more milky Dilly Bar in the fridge for Aunt Rita
            when she finally returns home to roost her rabid rabbits
fuck you fuck you fuck you all and to all who still believe
that a tall tree is that much more than a pine tree
I sit and read old Japanese poems at your feet

Let's Pretend It's Sunday

let’s pretend it’s Sunday
and the sun’s just not so bright
let’s eat pancakes by the half dozen
skip church and just make love all day
we’ll build a fort in the bedroom
and never come out until Tuesday
let’s pretend it’s Sunday
drive through the twisting hills and bristling pines
until we find a deserted beach we can populate
with our stray thoughts like drunken seagulls

let’s pretend we’re sailors
who don’t know the sea from an all-night saloon
our ship is wrecked our anchor lost
nothing to do but sing about God and walk the dog
late afternoons at the Sand Dune
digging a fork into a well-done steak early summer out on the patio
writing poems about dreams disturbed incomplete
old couples holding hands
with camera around their neck
I’m a tourist in your aura until you let me loose
a vagrant on all fours to tear your carcass up like fruit flies on yesterday’s banquet

and so let’s pretend it’s Thursday and let the weekend loom like a rich dessert
if you wanna feel productive
you can put on another pot of coffee
but let’s pretend we’re single and just fuck like perfect strangers until the perfect day
shows us a new truth about ourselves together each other a miracle
they’re holding a sand castle competition on the beach
they’ve sectioned off all the best spots
I challenge you to pretend it’s Sunday
and build a stable kingdom out of everything small and priceless
against the hard waves of tomorrow

four ways to friday

fucked her four ways to friday
left my bandana on her bedstand
my paperback on her bureau
i fucked her with a love poem
i fucked her with words
i fucked her with a smile
i fucked her with a closed mouth kiss
fucked her every which way but hold on tight
the night is starting to get dark
the night, the night
the long & dangerous night
i held her in my arms
with nothing on tv but the news
nothing to do tomorrow but relish in the strung-out afterglow
with pot & coffee & reruns & Easter candy
monday i made her
tuesday I teased her
wednesday i humped her
& thursday we played doctor
i fucked her four ways to friday
& then spent the weekend waiting on an alibi
just hoping i got inside her
& when no new poem came to me by saturday
i went to church on sunday
looking for forgiveness in advance
before one more week of this shit
changed the way i fuck myself
changed the way i wrote poetry & ritualized my pre-work mornings
i fucked her with a thermometer
i fucked her with the glittery silver blue baton she was twirling in her backyard
i fucked her with the wooden spoon she had hanging in her kitchen
she used for rainy afternoon soups
i fucked her with a promise she held me to with relentless tickling
i decided to kill time
browsing through the used bookstore
looking for other ways to fuck her
instead of actually fucking her
i let my car run out of gas
my dishes pile up in the sink
my dirty laundry on the floor
my heating bill unpaid
just so i could fuck her with only my intellect
& she could feel privileged 
like she got fucked by thoughts & not just
nouns & verbs & adverbs
& a few not so housebroken loosely chosen
adjectives like
wild & excruciating & tantalizing & tumultuous
& torrential