Saturday, March 26, 2011

once a eunech

once a eunuch in the cold steel locker rooms of the goddess
I stole the cock of God to my waist and penetrated the Mystery like a night’s thief
through the Elysian fields blindfolded except for my drugs
I popped every poppy I could stick my tongue to
and the preacher’s daughter is my prostitute now
and her mom my own French maid
I walk my dog through the halls of her hostel
and rap on sleeping doors calling for a revolution in breakfast foods
you’ll never sniff a rosebush so sweet
as the one dangling from the beeline between me and my fuzzy navel
you’ll never drink apple juice so tart
as such that dribbles down my chin in a goatee of early morning mountain dew
the four horsemen who ride up over the rise
have come to call upon my erection making way for archangels
to take up saddles unto the doomsday parade
which suffers the streets boldly in the wake of apple blossom petals at your toes painted pink gleaming in the sun

while sparrows take up nest in the bonnet of your perm
for every day is a song if you can’t dance you’ll just have to sit on the sidelines
of high school gym and wait for somebody to show you how but for now
the birdfeeder is open for business
and Osiris will be home soon
I’ll make apple cider of your panty line and milk beeswax out of your areola moons
soon to be suction cups for the masterpiece forever at odds with its palette
fuck you, Jane Austen
fuck you, B.F. Skinner
            and the three-legged serpent you strode in on
                        so boyishly tame
                        in rapt Christianity like a candy bar
fuck Jeb Bush, too
            and make sure there’s one more milky Dilly Bar in the fridge for Aunt Rita
            when she finally returns home to roost her rabid rabbits
fuck you fuck you fuck you all and to all who still believe
that a tall tree is that much more than a pine tree
I sit and read old Japanese poems at your feet

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